Data Privacy

Information on Data Protection for Customers and End Customers (also for Trade Fair Booths) 

Please note the following important information on how your data are handled in our company.  This information complies with the requirements of Article 13 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 



TRUMPF SE + Co. KG (Holding) 
Johann-Maus-Strasse 2 
71254 Ditzingen


Data Protection Officer:

Mr Peter Bokelmann 
or by post to the above-mentioned address.


Purposes of data processing:

Storage and processing of professional contact data in order to carry out orders, for information about products and services of the TRUMPF Group (advertising).  Such advertisements may be sent by post or electronically based on the Controller’s legitimate interest in direct advertising.  If the contact has been established at a trade fair, the data subjects wish to be contacted for the above-mentioned purposes.  Furthermore, the data may be used for telephone calls to analyze customer satisfaction.


Recipients of the data:

The data of the data subjects are made available to IT service providers within the scope of maintenance, to other companies within or outside the TRUMPF Group in which the Controller holds a share, for the purposes of advertising, or to marketing service providers for support services.  If required, inquiries will be answered, and data will be forwarded to other TRUMPF companies or distributors.


Transfer of data to countries outside the EU:

The data are transferred to third countries outside the EU when companies in which the Controller holds a share have access to the IT systems containing the data of the data subjects from third countries and when they process these data for the purposes of advertising, as the case may be, and furthermore within the scope of supply. 


Period of storage:

If no contract is concluded, the data of the data subjects will be stored as long as a mutual interest in a business relationship appears to exist.  As a general rule, this is no longer the case after a period of five years.


Rights of data subjects:

The data subjects have the right to object to data processing for the purposes indicated herein at any time using the above-mentioned contact data, and to request the correction of false data.  Furthermore, they shall receive information on their personal data stored or shall obtain this information upon request in an electronically processible form. The data subjects have the right to complain to a supervisory board about this processing, Article 77 GDPR.  There is no duty to transfer the data to the Controller in any form.


Legal basis:

The professional contact data are stored and processed for the purposes of establishing and carrying out orders for products of the TRUMPF Group (Article 6 (1)(b) GDPR) as well as for the compliance with legal requirements (Article 6 (1)(c) GDPR).  Furthermore, data are used for advertising purposes (e.g. for e-mails, telephone calls and printed materials; Article 6 (1)(f) GDPR).